Importance of ADHD Assessment

Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a fairly prevalent yet frequently undiagnosed illness. 13% of global adults face problems, but the majority of them battle in silence, enduring the symptoms and the frequently devastating impact of the disorder on their life. Instead, the blame for their problems is placed on them.

Many individuals are relieved to hear that they do not have a character flaw after receiving a diagnosis of ADHD

Due to the stigma attached to ADHD, many individuals who have the condition go undiagnosed and untreated.

Many people regard ADHD as little more than laziness that drug firms are using as a marketing opportunity. But decades of scientific study have proven that adult ADHD does exist and that it lowers adults' quality of life.

Despite the stigma associated with ADHD, it is preferable to struggle openly if you are aware of it. Numerous therapeutic choices as well as coping mechanisms become available with the use of a correct diagnosis. Before a conclusive diagnosis is made and the best course of therapy is identified, it is important to keep in mind that ADHD is not an illness that "fits all."

Attempt Private ADHD Assessment in London Test

You can participate in the the Adult Private ADHD Assessment in London Questionnaire to know if you have any symptoms of ADHD.

You must be aware that this exam should only be used as a foundation, not as a diagnostic instrument. This rating is not meant to serve as a diagnostic of a mental illness or as a suggestion for medical care in any way.


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