Aspects Of Emotional Well Being

We often talk about psychological wellbeing or mental well-being. It has become a part and parcel of our every discuss (which is a positive development). But what we often skip is the important of emotional wellbeing in ensuring complete mental and psychological well-being. Here are some key aspects pertaining to emotional and mental well-being. Tracing your emotional reactions: It is basically you trying to understand what situation elicits what kind of emotional response of you. For instance, the feeling of sadness, over a prolong period or the feeling of irritability over a long period of time can easily trigger issues of depression. Therefore, it is important that you find the trigger points or emotional moments when you feel saddened. If something irks you or irritates you, or if you have a mood of irritability over a long period of time, it is only prudent that try and logically understand what triggers such an emotional response. Consultation and counselling: Consulta...